Understanding the Needs of the LGBTQ+ Student

EDZU 9108 (3 credits / 45 hours)

Location: Online
Instructor: Carol Bottstein

Start Date: 07/17/2024
End Date: 08/06/2024

Course Syllabus

                   This relevant and informative course is necessary for all educators to better understand the specific needs and challenges of the LGBTQ+ student. In addition to learning the many terms, phrases and symbols associated with the LGBTQ+ individual, we will explore facts and myths, look at our own hidden biases and review past perceptions and scientific research regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. We will discuss current federal laws and school policies, examine significant events and outcomes resulting in change, study influential LGBTQ+ individuals and their accomplishments, and understand the importance of allyship and the LGBTQ+ student. This interesting and valuable course will enable you to enhance communication, create a safe, accepting learning environment, as well as support and provide resources for students and families. 


Register and Pay Online

Professional Development Options:

Graduate: $580.00
Only courses taken for professional development graduate credit can receive an official university transcript.

In-Service or CTLE Professional Development

You can only receive one type of certificate,
please register accordingly. There will be
no switching of certificate status after the
start date of a class.

In-Service: $275.00
Completion of this course taken for in-service credit will provide an NYCTD, Inc. Certificate of Completion


New York CTLE: $275.00
Completion of this course taken for CTLE credit will provide a New York State Verification of Hours Certificate from NYCTD, Inc.

Teachers enrolled in this course will...


  1. The many terms, phrases and symbols associated with the LGBTQ+ student
  2.  The specific challenges such students face
  3. Facts and myths surrounding the LGBTQ+ student 
  4. Past perceptions and scientific research regarding sexual orientation and gender identity 






  1. The importance of allyship and the LGBTQ+ student
  2. Federal laws and school policies 
  3. Significant events and outcomes resulting in change, as well as influential LGBTQ+ individuals and their accomplishments 




and Be Able To

  1. Create a safe and accepting learning environment 
  2. Enhance communication skills 
  3. Offer support and resources to students and families



and much, much more!

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