Marcella Biordi

Marcella is currently a Kindergarten teacher in the Deer Park School District. Prior to this position, Marcella taught English as a New Language teacher in the Deer Park School District, as well. She holds certificates in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Birth-12, General Education 1-6, Students with Disabilities 1-6, and Early Childhood Birth-2. Marcella has experience co-teaching in kindergarten, second grade, first grade, and 1-2 self-contained classrooms. During her teaching experience, she has prepared informational workshops regarding English Language Learners to both parents and teachers. She has created and taught a professional development course in the Deer Park School District that showcased appropriate accommodations and modifications for ELLs in the mainstream classroom. Marcella was selected by the New York State Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages to present at the organization’s annual TESOL conference with her ENL colleagues. They presented how to create culturally relevant and globally empathetic lesson plans (K-12). During her summer months, Marcella spends her time as an ENL summer school instructor for the Deer Park ENL Summer Enrichment Program.

Courses offered by this instructor at NYCTD

  • The Heart of The Classroom: Implementing SEL Strategies K-12
    [EDZU 9114]

    The Heart of The Classroom: Implementing SEL Strategies K-12
