Dealing With Parents: Fostering Positive Relationships

[EDZU 9029]

Dealing With Parents: Fostering Positive Relationships


3 credits / 45 hours

Instructor Michele Milgrim

Course Description

While standing up in front of a class of children and shaping their knowledge seems to be a regular and comfortable task for teachers, standing up in front of those same children’s parents often is not. Many teachers are nervous, tense and uncomfortable speaking to parents at “Parent Teacher Night” and during parent conferences. It doesn’t help that many parents seem to be in a state of denial about their child’s behavior or abilities, sometimes even blaming the teacher for causing the misbehavior by singling out their child unfairly. Knowing what to say, and more importantly, how to say it can mean the difference between cooperation and confrontation. This class is designed for teachers in any grade level and in any discipline. In this class, we will discuss and develop the skills necessary to build effective communication with parents, tailor messages to the recipient, and interact with difficult parents under pressure. We will plan for parent/teacher open house events as well as individual parent conferences and written communication. We will investigate scenarios such as dealing with angry, confused, and apathetic parents as well as sharing unpleasant information.


Professional Development Options


Only courses taken for professional development graduate credit can receive an official university transcript.

In-Service & CTLE Professional Development

You can only receive one type of certificate, please register accordingly. There will be no switching of certificate status after the start date of a class.


Completion of this course taken for in-service credit will provide an NYCTD, Inc. Certificate of Completion


Approved Provider ID #23183

Completion of this course taken for CTLE credit will provide a New York State Verification of Hours Certificate from NYCTD, Inc.

Course Description

While standing up in front of a class of children and shaping their knowledge seems to be a regular and comfortable task for teachers, standing up in front of those same children’s parents often is not. Many teachers are nervous, tense and uncomfortable speaking to parents at “Parent Teacher Night” and during parent conferences. It doesn’t help that many parents seem to be in a state of denial about their child’s behavior or abilities, sometimes even blaming the teacher for causing the misbehavior by singling out their child unfairly. Knowing what to say, and more importantly, how to say it can mean the difference between cooperation and confrontation. This class is designed for teachers in any grade level and in any discipline. In this class, we will discuss and develop the skills necessary to build effective communication with parents, tailor messages to the recipient, and interact with difficult parents under pressure. We will plan for parent/teacher open house events as well as individual parent conferences and written communication. We will investigate scenarios such as dealing with angry, confused, and apathetic parents as well as sharing unpleasant information.

Course Objectives

Students that enroll in this class will...


  • How to reflect on their own practices to improve interactions with parents in the future.
  • How their own personality influences how they are perceived by parents.


  • That all parents are different and require different approaches from their children.
  • That most parents want a better life for their child and may not know how to get it for them.

and Be Able To

  • Engage in conversations with parents to promote not only a positive meeting, but a plan for the student’s success in class.
  • Utilize various strategies for dealing with all kinds of parents and situations.
  • Provide parents with resources to help students outside of the school environment.