Different Ways Students Learn

[EDZU 9983]

Different Ways Students Learn


3 credits / 45 hours

Instructor Katherine Squires

Course Description

In this course, educators will be prepared how to meet the needs of all students in the 21st Century world classroom. Understanding the unique differences in learning styles can impact the way teachers handle their students and improve student success. Today’s teacher must be able to activate each child’s learning style to engage and enhance student learning. This course will focus on helping all teachers, regardless of their grade level or subject area to better meet the needs of all students in their classroom. Throughout this course educators will develop lessons and activities that incorporate different learning styles and modalities. This course will help educators make their content and classroom instruction more meaningful for all students in the classroom.


Professional Development Options


Only courses taken for professional development graduate credit can receive an official university transcript.

In-Service & CTLE Professional Development

You can only receive one type of certificate, please register accordingly. There will be no switching of certificate status after the start date of a class.


Completion of this course taken for in-service credit will provide an NYCTD, Inc. Certificate of Completion


Approved Provider ID #23183

Completion of this course taken for CTLE credit will provide a New York State Verification of Hours Certificate from NYCTD, Inc.


This Course is DESE approved for 45 PDPs Approved PD Provider # S2024025

Completion of this course will provide a PDP Certificate mailed from NYCTD, Inc.

Course Description

In this course, educators will be prepared how to meet the needs of all students in the 21st Century world classroom. Understanding the unique differences in learning styles can impact the way teachers handle their students and improve student success. Today’s teacher must be able to activate each child’s learning style to engage and enhance student learning. This course will focus on helping all teachers, regardless of their grade level or subject area to better meet the needs of all students in their classroom. Throughout this course educators will develop lessons and activities that incorporate different learning styles and modalities. This course will help educators make their content and classroom instruction more meaningful for all students in the classroom.

Course Objectives

Students that enroll in this class will...


  • The variety of learning styles that exist in the 21st Century world.
  • The strengths and weakness of different learning styles.
  • How to use technology and other resources to address a variety of learning styles.


  • The importance of understanding the different way students learn.
  • The value of scaffolding lessons to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  • Their own learning style and how it impacts their everyday teaching.
  • How to recognize the different learning styles and modalities of today’s 21st Century student.

and Be Able To

  • Construct lessons that integrate a variety of learning styles.
  • Create classroom resources that meets a variety of learning styles.
  • Effectively evaluate students in different ways.
  • Vary their classroom instruction and resources to meet the needs of all learners in the 21st Century classroom.