Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to Our Students

[EDZU 9978]

Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to Our Students


3 credits / 45 hours

Instructor Barry Kaufman

Course Description

The ability to think critically is more important now than it ever has been. Critical thinking skills impacts every area of a child’s academic experience Students who can “do” math, but don’t understand “why, lack critical thinking skills. Students who can put sentences together grammatically correct, but can’t respond to a writing inquiry meaningfully lack critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is a learnable skill that allows us to make logical and informed decisions to the best of our ability. This course takes a nuts and bolts approach to teaching critical thinking. It will give teaches a variety of suggestions for integrating critical thinking activities into their disciplinary courses with a focus on current events.


Professional Development Options


Only courses taken for professional development graduate credit can receive an official university transcript.

In-Service & CTLE Professional Development

You can only receive one type of certificate, please register accordingly. There will be no switching of certificate status after the start date of a class.


Completion of this course taken for in-service credit will provide an NYCTD, Inc. Certificate of Completion


Approved Provider ID #23183

Completion of this course taken for CTLE credit will provide a New York State Verification of Hours Certificate from NYCTD, Inc.

Course Description

The ability to think critically is more important now than it ever has been. Critical thinking skills impacts every area of a child’s academic experience Students who can “do” math, but don’t understand “why, lack critical thinking skills. Students who can put sentences together grammatically correct, but can’t respond to a writing inquiry meaningfully lack critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is a learnable skill that allows us to make logical and informed decisions to the best of our ability. This course takes a nuts and bolts approach to teaching critical thinking. It will give teaches a variety of suggestions for integrating critical thinking activities into their disciplinary courses with a focus on current events.

Course Objectives

Students that enroll in this class will...


  • basic principles of critical thinking
  • effective techniques for integrating critical thinking into the classroom
  • effective techniques for improving critical thinking skills of your students


  • why critical thinking is important in a student’s overall success
  • 5.risk of students who lack critical thinking skills

and Be Able To

  • identify “critical thinking opportunities ” and turn them into learning experiences
  • use “critical thinking” as a tool for student’s overall learning experiences